CAMRIA seminar series – Bjørn Blomberg
ZoomPresentation on “Research on antimicrobial resistance in Tanzania”
Presentation on “Research on antimicrobial resistance in Tanzania”
Presentation on “Integrated Analysis of Use of Antimicrobials and Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans and Livestock - One Health Approach”
A physical-lunch seminar focused on one of the projects in CAMRIA: HyperEvol - Learning and predicting the pathways of AMR evolution with hypercubic inference.
Presentation on "Post-Treatment Photodegradable Antimicrobial Agents"
Presentation on ""Antimicrobial stewardship is just one of the intervention required to tackle antimicrobial resistance at global level"
A physical-lunch seminar focused on one of the projects in CAMRIA: MARGIN - Surveillance and Metagenomic tracking of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes IN environmental and clinical samples using machine learning approaches.
A physical-lunch seminar focused on one of the projects in CAMRIA: Media and AMR -Risk communication and perception of AMR in the public and among healthcare workers: Knowledge needed to develop new policies and interventions.
Björn Rönnerstrand, researcher at the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg, will present for us today. His presentation is titled "Social science research on antimicrobial resistance in the Swedish Citizens Panel". The event is in a hybrid format, you are welcome to join us for lunch from the Corner room at DIGSSCORE. Food is Read More
Onsdag 8.november 2023 vil forskere fra SV-fakultetet sammen med kollegaer fra Haukeland Universitetssykehus ha seminar om forskning på antibiotikaresistens i Norge og Sverige. Dette er et åpent seminar, der alle som er interesserte i forsking på antibiotikaresistens og holdninger, i et samfunnsvitenskapelig perspektiv er velkomne til 9. etasje ved Samfunnsvitenskapelig fakultet, Fosswinckelsgate 6. Tillit i Read More