Other projects

CAMRIA researchers are also engaged in other AMR-related projects:

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STRESST (Antimicrobial Stewardship in Hospitals, Resistance Selection and Transfer in a One Health Context) - a JPIAMR-funded project determining the effects of hospital-wide antimicrobial stewardship on the amount of antibiotics, and the numbers of susceptible and resistant bacteria, released in hospital wastewater. Read more here and here.


ProRide (Use of Probiotics to Reduce Infections and Death and Prevent Colonization with Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria, among newborn infants in Haydom and surrounding area, Tanzania) is a project funded by the Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest). The clinical trial’s objective is to evaluate whether use of probiotics can reduce infection-related morbidity and mortality by preventing colonization and/or infections with ESBL-E among infants in Haydom.


NOR-KLEB-NET is “A multidisciplinary national network focusing AMR in Klebsiellapneumoniae in a One Health perspective” funded by NFR and coordinated by Iren Høyland Löhr, Stavanger University Hospital. Visit the network's website to learn more about its activities.


KLEB-GAP (Klebsiella pneumoniae – a key driver in the global spread of antimicrobial resistance and a target for new approaches in diagnostics, surveillance and alternative therapeutics) - a project funded by Trond Mohn Foundation. Its aim is to provide new, timely insights into the ecology, antimicrobial resistance, and pathogenicity of Klebsiella pneumoniae, a WHO high-priority pathogen for research and development.


AMIC (Antibiotics, Microbiology and Immunology in Children with Chronic wet Cough) - a study based on an on-going cooperation established between the paediatric and microbiological departments at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) and the paediatric departments at the university hospitals from all Norwegian health regions. Its objective is to contribute to correctly identify children with CWC who respond to treatment and thus prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics. Funded by Helse Vest.

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TARGEt (Tracking of Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in Environmental reservoirs in the Nordic Countries) - a project funded by NordForsk and led by Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen. It is a collaboration between partners from University of Bergen (Norway), Uppsala University (Sweden), University of Iceland (Iceland), and Aarhus University (Denmark). Wastewater samples will be collected from all these Nordic countries and possibly also samples from farming and other environmental sources.


Implement it! is a project exploring the introduction of three different patient safety measures that have been implemented with varying degrees of success in hospitals, nursing homes and primary care. This includes: 1. antibiotic management program (introduction of guidelines for the use of antibiotics), 2. early detection and rapid response in case of worsening condition, and 3. drug reconciliation. Read more about the project.